
Showing posts from May, 2018

Answering the question; WHO AM I?

By: Kmar Henry         CEO │  BIZ care  Consultation & Accounting Firm Edited by: Reinard Bryan  │ Xavier Campbell │  Danielle Lewinson  Date: May 21, 2018 Now let's think about OURSELVES for a  moment from beyond the fences of what  society  depicted as the norm. From outside of  the  walls of mediocrity, or outside every  lesson  learned throughout our schooling,  outside  what religion taught us and every  method  of mind control that the government  handed  down to stop us from discovering our true  identities.  Now with all those aspects  cleared,  let’s  take a trip inside our minds for a minute and look  inside it to establish and notify  ourselves of  when was the last time we took the time out, in this busy world, to ask ourselves  the  question; WHO AM I? The Qu estion? [Who am I?] I can still rem...