Formulating a Positive MISSION Statement is Key!

By: Kmar Henry
       CEO │ BIZcare Consultation & Accounting Firm

Date: December 27, 2017

‘Why can’t I do this easily, yet my business is so small?’ Whilst it might be in the minds of most entrepreneurs, many have found it rather difficult to transcend this very aspect within the culture of their businesses. Well, the answer lies in taking that very same vision that you have of where you want your business to go and implementing it at the forefront of your business culture.
As entrepreneurs, we can all agree that we know exactly what we want from our businesses, but how do we get our employees and customers to see and emulate these very same images of how we want to operate? How do we implement the right culture to ensure that we are always poised to jump these financial hurdles that will come? Well, the answer is right within the concept of writing that influential and positive Mission Statement on paper.

Setting the right cultural tone within your business will be highly dependent on NOT only your Mission Statement but also your Vision Statement. So here are three (3) things that you need to consider before writing one:

1. Think about what YOU want to Transcend to your CUSTOMERS

Your Business is not confined to making profits but also demonstrating a purpose, image, and concept that customers will absorb. Many entrepreneurs started confidently with the concept of making money but did not adhere to the concept of maturing and staying relevant. Maturity and relevance is a core function of your main purpose, as people will continue to buy your products or services for years to come. Think about your competitive advantage, what is it that you want your customers to remember your business for and what is your main purpose. These are the things that will leave your mark on customers.  It is imperative to leave a positive mark with the aim of creating repeated customers who are engaged and are attracted to your business through guaranteed satisfaction.  Align these aspects firstly by creating that strategic alignment with your Mission Statement and observe how customers will react when they come to you for services.

2. Think about the Kind/Type of EMPLOYEES that YOU want to hire

It is a common problems across all businesses, to find loyal and highly productive employees which may
be due to the fact that we aren't hiring employees who are intrinsically aligned with the mission of our businesses. Instead, most entrepreneurs will tell you that you have to just take the best out of the crop.  This may help businesses for a start or to fill a gap, but the long-term problem will impact turnover and the negative ties, when bottom-line results demonstrates that employees are in to earn a paycheck and leave? It is far better to hire an employee who will guard the image and culture of your business as if it's their own, rather than someone who will leave your integrity and business values up for grabs. Ever wondered why MacDonald's consistently ensure their employees are always smiling or why at the end of your purchase they always say please come back?  It is strongly believed that happy employees and a great ambiance, promotes delighted customers. These strategies were implemented and are very much aligned with their Mission throughout the organization.

3. Think about where do YOU see your Business in the next 15-20 years

A strategic vision always count, your business will mature over a period and then the big question will appear on which is the next step to take. However, if you are well aware from your first instance of conceptualizing your idea, this bridge can be easily crossed. This is evident through concepts demonstrated on the Business Life Cycle.  At an early start, you should be thinking of how far you see your business going, yes, you started small but don't you think that if you operate positively and within the realm of your Mission Statement, providing excellent product and services, your business will not be steered onto the next level?, it definitely will.  Which is why you should think about your vision to ensure that all that money saved as cash reserve can be retained  and reinvested to foster business growth.

It is important to set the tone right within our Businesses from an early stage by ensuring that our Mission Statements are implemented correctly and aligned with all operations. These aspects that have been stated above will help you to carefully implement your Mission and also Vision Statement within your businesses in order to sustain growth and the right business culture.

If you need help or further information please feel free to contact us at 1 (876) 545-6928 or to arrange your consulting session.

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BIZcare Consultation & Accounting Firm is a consulting agency that operates within the small parish of Clarendon in the beautiful land of Jamaica. We are geared towards educating the minds of upcoming entrepreneurs of the important aspects that must be considered before starting their businesses. Hence why we operate under the slogan 'Your Business is OUR Priority' and tagline 'Helping Small Businesses & Individuals to better Organise their Business Functions.'



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