By: Kmar Henry CEO │ BIZ care Consultation & Accounting Firm I remember back then as kids we would get excited about Easter Holidays not to eat bun and cheese, but to throw out our 'T Kites' just to see who could fly them the furthest. I remember boldly when we would come in from the marble grounds with our knee cups multicoloured, with the dirt of which we ignored happily due to the competitive and fun ambience we created while playing. I remember hearing the intrigued onlookers clapping and cheering as our female peers played Chinese skip singing sweetly with melodies that would provide absolute pleasure and laughter. I remember back then we would tear the petals from our parents’ flowers with intentions of using them as markers to throw in each box of our Hop Scotch game that created a fun nature for us to garner our competitiveness and athleticism. But now, when we walk our streets, what we see are kids grouping to play video ga...